September 24, 2012

Brady dog the Halloween frog!

How cute is our dog? Wait until you see his big brother outfit!

Baby Ezra is growing, growing, growing!

Time is flying by. Soon out son will arrive! We can't believe how loooong we have been pregnant. Here is our 29 week photo together! We ate third trimester found!

September 4, 2012

The Major Events that I haven't Blogged about:

Dear Pregnancy Brain,

Could you please allow me the ability to think, put my clothes on the right way, find my car keys, remember if I fed the dogs, remember to tell my boss about a scheduled staff photo and lastly to remember why I walked into Target in the first place!

Thank you,

Okay, so, it really is that bad. I'm told that hormones are the culprit. Right at birth, a mom's body has more than 200 hormones rapidly rushing through her body. Yep, 200! So, husbands around the world, rejoice that it is only during delivery! They peak at birth and over the next few weeks slowly go back down to normal hormonal wife status.

We've had some pretty major events in our life here in Midland, and I'm too tired to really blog about all of them so here are the bullet points:

Not my photo - can't find camera!

  • We celebrated TWO YEARS of blissful marriage! Our gift of choice is a trip somewhere far from home, so this year we spent our second anniversary in Seattle, inbetween Derek's seminary classes, eating at our favorite Seafood bar and walking through Pike's Place. We always finish our Seattle dates with a trip to Gasworks for dessert (overlooks the bay and Seattle skyline).
  • Derek began his RETRAIN coursework. He is loving the group that he was placed in. I just finished editing his 25 page Discipliship paper! Since Derek and I met after college, it is nice getting to know his studious side! 
  • We officially bought a CRIB for Ezra! AND painted the nursery!! Seriously, the color was the easiest choice! I'll post pictures soonish. We bought a stroller, carseat and base! Our kid now has wheels and a bed, one bottle, about 35 outfits (generously donated) and his first glow "sea horse." 
  • THE DATE IS SET! I'm coming home to Georgia the weekend of October 20th! That is an away game for Georgia and a home game for Tech! 
  • COLLEGE FOOTBALL IS BACK! And possibly the reason that I will go into premature labor! Gooooo Dawgs! Now, I need a UGA maternity shirt! Seriously! 
  • We are officially 26 weeks pregnant and about to enter the THIRD trimester! I can't believe it is upon us. We started our birth preparation classes last weekend. Do I feel more prepared to give birth? NO! But, I feel more prepared to order Derek around during the active phase of labor and he is now prepared to massage all parts of me that ache! 
  • Registered! Oh man, now I  KNOW how lucky we were to not have to register for our wedding. Registering for Ezra has been an emotionally tiring experience. But, we have started a pretty basic registry at Baby-r-us and Target. You guys seriously do not KNOW how many reviews of products we have read, how much advice we have received and sought out and how much CRAP we are told to buy! So, our registry is a compiled list from lots of first-time moms of what they REALLY needed versus what they could seriously live without! NO WIPE WARMER FOR US! 
  • I JOINED MOPS! Yay!!!! I start my first MOPS group this Friday! Everyone in my group is a first-time mom, too! (Mothers Of PreschoolerS). 
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