September 25, 2008

And the Islands will see your light as it rises on us...

Through prayer and support I began my journey to Scotland... the trip was to be a mission trip, but I didn't realize so early on that it would become a mission in me to really understand the heart of a relational God. It might take several posts, but I want to share with you the journey that I have been on since early summer. It all began when the Lord decided he wanted me more than he would allow the world to have me. God began changing things in my life by offering me his comfort and his grace. One night at Wesley, my campus ministry that I attend at the University of Georgia, they began circulating pamphlets about upcoming mission trips. I thought, "no way, I'm not a missionary." But, months went by and one of my friends, Nat, committed to going to Scotland. I had been having a rough year at this point and wasn't really giving that to God, but I had it pressed on my heart that this was the year that the Lord was going to do something drastic in my life. I began praying over it and with the support of those near me, I really sought confirmation from the Lord. He responded pretty much immediately, really encouraging me to go forth in his name. Bob, my campus minister, spoke on taking a leap of faith for the Lord. When I heard Exodus 33:12-18, I knew that Jesus was preparing me for this leap of faith. "Moses said to the Lord, 'You have been telling me to lead these people, but you have not let me know who you will send with me...if you are pleased with me then show me your ways so I may know and continue to find favor with you...the lord said, 'MY presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.' Moses said, "if your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here..." and the Lord said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked because I am pleased with you and i know you by name." Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory!" How amazing is this conversation between a man and God. Moses boldly spoke to the Lord to declare his glory and to use him in whatever way. Moses did have some concerns; he asked the Lord to go before him, but the Lord had already prepared the way. And so begins my journey to the Hebrides Islands...

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