Baby Fekkes is doing well. Baby's heartbeat was strong and steady. I'm measuring exactly where I should. My midwife has changed my diet to determine the cause of my continued sickness. She thinks I'm not eating enough (every two hours) or taking in enough protein and too many carbs. My blood sugar is crashing and causing headaches, but this doesn't seem to be affecting the baby. Today we met with a the backup midwife. She was much more direct and bossy, which was nice because she scolded me on my current diet. She was really comfortable to be around and encouraging. It is nice to know that if our primary midwife can't be there when we deliver that the secondary is just as amazing. Happy 16 weeks to the Fekkes' Family!
I have the go ahead to travel to Seattle! However, I have been ordered to carry around cold chicken in my purse on the plane and to stretch my legs every hour. I'm low-risk still, but border-line immune to Rubella. Hum...the test wasn't conclusive we will retest again after the baby is born. I officially tested O+ so we don't have to worry about ROGAM!
June 26, 2012
Random Photos from my iPhone
Okay, so I had some random photos that I just now uploaded onto the computer. I have no idea if I've posted any of these before, but I still think they are pretty entertaining.
Baby Knox - Ashleigh and Whit's son. |
Mom and Keith at the childhood home of George W. Bush in Midland. |
Caleb months ago hanging out. |
Baby Knox sleeping in his carseat |
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Derek and I visited Texas Tech University. See my reaction below... |
Big negative Texas Tech! Goooo Dawgs! |
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Ornaments I made for children's message. |
Both of my nephews together! Now baby Fekkes needs to be in the next picture. |
My gift to Derek. I stitched our route from GA to WA to TX on the map. |
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Derek huntin' wild bore! Baha |
The ranch back in December before the snow and rain. |
Derek is amazed that one car can be spotted in the midst of trucks. |
Derek is lovin' the BBQ |
A view of Midland from an oil company's top floor office downtown. |
Taking the rents on an oil field tour. |
This was taken in October. |
Next Oil CEO - Derek Fekkes |
...more random photos to come...
June 24, 2012
14 Weeks: Are We There Yet?
This was one of "those weeks" when I couldn't bring myself to fix my, here ya go. |
How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain: not sure...might have lost some... :(
Maternity clothes? yep - Really enjoying stretchy gauchos and t-shirts this week.
Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep: The past few days have been sleep friendly. Naps, however, leave me sick feeling. Weird dreams. I keep dreaming that I forget to breastfeed the baby.
Best moment this week: Having quality time with Derek and tummy talk, when we just rub my Buddha belly and talk to baby. Talking to my best friends and getting a maternity shirt from Nat.
Miss Anything? Being able to eat fruit and not having to make decisions about food. Not anticipating throwing up. Movement: I think so. It feels like gas bubbles moving around in my tummy.
Food cravings: Calzones! We drove to Odessa for a Calzone. I finally found a place that makes them online. I also threw up on the steering wheel on the way there, but hey, I got the calzone!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Pineapple, chedder cheese, water, chicken, anything sweet, the trash, the water that comes out of the faucet, hot air from the hot car, nail polish, toilet water, musty books, morning breath, driving, speed bumps, bending over, grapes, coughing.
Maternity clothes? yep - Really enjoying stretchy gauchos and t-shirts this week.
Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep: The past few days have been sleep friendly. Naps, however, leave me sick feeling. Weird dreams. I keep dreaming that I forget to breastfeed the baby.
Best moment this week: Having quality time with Derek and tummy talk, when we just rub my Buddha belly and talk to baby. Talking to my best friends and getting a maternity shirt from Nat.
Miss Anything? Being able to eat fruit and not having to make decisions about food. Not anticipating throwing up. Movement: I think so. It feels like gas bubbles moving around in my tummy.
Food cravings: Calzones! We drove to Odessa for a Calzone. I finally found a place that makes them online. I also threw up on the steering wheel on the way there, but hey, I got the calzone!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Pineapple, chedder cheese, water, chicken, anything sweet, the trash, the water that comes out of the faucet, hot air from the hot car, nail polish, toilet water, musty books, morning breath, driving, speed bumps, bending over, grapes, coughing.
Gender: 3 more weeks!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Mostly evening sickness. Haven't been sick in the AM, but EVERY PM, I'm full on, stomach virus S.I.C.K. We've been worried about dehydration lately because water seems to make me throw up. Still have pains and cramps in my pelvis mostly from baby moving forward. Slight dizziness this week, mostly due to sickness. Killer headaches. Doesn't pregnancy sound amazing!
Belly Button in or out? in, but getting more shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? today on, but a couple of days this week I could only wear my engagement ring. It's hot here.
Happy or Moody most of the time: When I'm not crying over the toilet, I'm crying during a movie or I'm easily annoyed.
Baby's Milestones: Baby Fekkes is now the size of a lemon and around 3 inches long. The intestines have moved into baby's permanent spot (no longer in the cord) and baby Fekkes is starting to urinate! Woo! Sounds like fun.
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Mostly evening sickness. Haven't been sick in the AM, but EVERY PM, I'm full on, stomach virus S.I.C.K. We've been worried about dehydration lately because water seems to make me throw up. Still have pains and cramps in my pelvis mostly from baby moving forward. Slight dizziness this week, mostly due to sickness. Killer headaches. Doesn't pregnancy sound amazing!
Belly Button in or out? in, but getting more shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? today on, but a couple of days this week I could only wear my engagement ring. It's hot here.
Happy or Moody most of the time: When I'm not crying over the toilet, I'm crying during a movie or I'm easily annoyed.
Baby's Milestones: Baby Fekkes is now the size of a lemon and around 3 inches long. The intestines have moved into baby's permanent spot (no longer in the cord) and baby Fekkes is starting to urinate! Woo! Sounds like fun.
Looking forward to: An easier week, slower paced to begin researching what Baby Fekkes is going to need. Also, I would love to go 2 days without throwing up!
Derek's summary of the week: Sickness for the wife is not lasting all day long. It is seeming to wane a little bit, although, there are still intense times of things I will not go into detail about that make me thankful that I am a man. The baby is beginning to show. It is becoming more of a reality, seeing the baby bump. It's crazy to think of the little baby swimming around in there...the size of a lemon...its a pretty good size.
June 11, 2012
Pregnancy Pains
Things that I am terrified to eat due to an unwelcome "chain of reactions" that involved a lot of sickness, lack of sleep and the dreaded conversation with the toilet:
We currently have an out-of-town house-guest visiting our church and poor guy had to find out with me that grapes are not mine or the baby's thing right now. Last night was one of the worst cases of night-time sickness I've had yet. It was to the point of just crying while propping my head on the toilet. It took every ounce of energy just to blink!
Now, you might be wondering why I'm broadcasting this lovely experience on our blog. Our blog is more like a newsletter or a group email. The map above will show you where my closet friends and grandmothers of Baby Fekkes currently reside. I, however, am that big state in the middle. At least 1,200 miles separates me in any direction from the comfort of a best friend who would join me in lamenting the sickness, but celebrating our growing baby at the same time. I can only imagine how many double-stuffed oreos I would have consumed by now. How many cups of decaff Chai Tea. The quantity of Brooklyn Pizza or biscuits and gravy that I would have marveled in. But, sadly enough, those are all "could-have-beens."
So, sweet friends of mine, if you were closer, you would probably have been enlisted to:
Hold my hair back when I'm sick.
Do the grocery run and cook a couple of meals because I can't handle either of those things.
Go on hashbrown runs with me.
Take the dogs for a walk when I can't move.
Shop for maternity clothes and add elastic bands to my current clothing.
Watch videos of natural birth on youtube.
Frozen Yogurt runs.
Pool time because its so freaking hot here!
Paint the nursery.
Shop for baby furniture.
Watch endless episodes of Friends, Planet Earth and Disney movies.
Begin Nesting and deep cleaning.
Deal with the ever changing emotions of me - which involve: joy, hysterical laughter, boughts of blue, sporadic tantrums, crankiness and so on.
If any of the above sound appealing to you, please book your flight now. The guest room is ready and so are Derek and I! He needs a babysitter for me so he can have some man time that does not involve estrogen or sympathy pains. (By the way, he's doing an amazing job!) Airport to fly into: Midland-Odessa International. Come before July 23!
June 7, 2012
Look Out! I'm armed and dangerous!
Let the Registering Begin!!!! Okay, so I might have started "wish lists" at Amazon, Carters and maybe even Pottery Barn Kids. It's amazing how timid I am to register for things. I want to know FOR SURE if we need it, want it or it's just so darn cute we HAVE to HAVE it!
I'm just hitting the basics right now...tub (found one with over 1,000 reviews), water thermometer and of course BOOKS, BOOKS, and more BOOKS! Dr. Seuss, Barenstein Bears, The Giving Tree! Endless books for baby. Below are some things that I'm loving, but not "needing."...yet...
Now, I'm hunting for baby's first Christmas outfits. I know I can't really decide on anything. We don't know if it will be a dress or pants, but ekk! How much fun to have a Christmas baby! This year not only will I eat the turkey, but I'll also look like one, too...
I'm just hitting the basics right now...tub (found one with over 1,000 reviews), water thermometer and of course BOOKS, BOOKS, and more BOOKS! Dr. Seuss, Barenstein Bears, The Giving Tree! Endless books for baby. Below are some things that I'm loving, but not "needing."...yet...
Now, I'm hunting for baby's first Christmas outfits. I know I can't really decide on anything. We don't know if it will be a dress or pants, but ekk! How much fun to have a Christmas baby! This year not only will I eat the turkey, but I'll also look like one, too...
June 6, 2012
How far along? 13Weeks
Total weight gain: up 3 lbs.
Maternity clothes? yep - forget all of those college sundresses! Bring on the Motherhood Maternity!
Stretch marks? none yet - lotion twice daily!
Sleep: I already miss it dearly! Sleep has no rhythm or rhyme. Last night, sleep arrived at 2am!
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby Fekkes on the sonogram and hearing Baby Fekkes' heartbeat and buying my first maternity swimsuit!
Miss Anything? Enjoying food, shopping for food on a weekly run, not throwing up!! Sleep! Energy!
Movement: Not yet, but we know that Baby Fekkes is an active little one.
Food cravings: MEAT MEAT AND MORE MEAT. I crave an eat-by-the-pound BBQ place where I can eat Brisket. Five Guys Burgers is another major craving, but it's two hours away.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Almost everything, including meat! Cheese tops the list!
Maternity clothes? yep - forget all of those college sundresses! Bring on the Motherhood Maternity!
Stretch marks? none yet - lotion twice daily!
Sleep: I already miss it dearly! Sleep has no rhythm or rhyme. Last night, sleep arrived at 2am!
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby Fekkes on the sonogram and hearing Baby Fekkes' heartbeat and buying my first maternity swimsuit!
Miss Anything? Enjoying food, shopping for food on a weekly run, not throwing up!! Sleep! Energy!
Movement: Not yet, but we know that Baby Fekkes is an active little one.
Food cravings: MEAT MEAT AND MORE MEAT. I crave an eat-by-the-pound BBQ place where I can eat Brisket. Five Guys Burgers is another major craving, but it's two hours away.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Almost everything, including meat! Cheese tops the list!
Gender: 4 more weeks!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: morning sickness that lasts all day and night, cramps as the muscles in my pelvis expand for baby and soreness as baby drops forward, leaky eyes (yes, everything makes me cry) and Derek's favorite - mood swings!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Had a roller coaster of emotions this week... but so very happy.
Baby's Milestones: We are out of the FIRST TRIMESTER! Woohoo! We made it. Potential for miscarriage has greatly been reduced. Baby is now the size of a Georgia Peach and weighs around 2 oz. We have teeth, hair, all major organs, eyes, ears and reflexes!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: morning sickness that lasts all day and night, cramps as the muscles in my pelvis expand for baby and soreness as baby drops forward, leaky eyes (yes, everything makes me cry) and Derek's favorite - mood swings!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Had a roller coaster of emotions this week... but so very happy.
Baby's Milestones: We are out of the FIRST TRIMESTER! Woohoo! We made it. Potential for miscarriage has greatly been reduced. Baby is now the size of a Georgia Peach and weighs around 2 oz. We have teeth, hair, all major organs, eyes, ears and reflexes!
Looking forward to: Meeting baby Fekkes! And feeling baby kick for the first time! I'm excited to see the "bump" grow and to go shopping for more maternity shirts to sport the bump.
Derek's summary of the week: Anlee has not had an easy week (or 12 weeks). This pregnancy business is rough. I admire her for all that she is enduring to carry and birth our first child. She's going to be such a great, caring mom.
June 5, 2012
12 Weeks, a picture and a heartbeat!
Hello Baby Fekkes!
Today, you are 12 weeks old! And look at you!
You are getting so big! A PLUM!! Look at that big head and Buddha belly of yours!
Our first visit with Shanna, our midwife - 5.29.12 - exactly 8 years after I graduated high school!
I didn't sleep last night, a little nervous about our first check-up. Little One, I hear it is pretty normal to not fully take in pregnancy until you hear that first heart beat, see that first glimpse.
I was worried about you. I was sick every day (still am) and not eating as great as all the books suggest. I know my body isn't perfect so I did have fears that something "could" be wrong.
But, after hearing your heart beating so loudly and so clearly! 164 beats per minute! You were active! Are you trying to prepare us for an active baby?
I thought I would have one of those moments like Rachel did on friends when she couldn't "see" the baby. She felt like a terrible, disconnected mother. But, then, Little One, we SAW you!
I might have broken your dads hand gripping so tight, but there you were.
And I will go to my grave knowing that you looked right at us and WAVED! You turned your head, your arm went in the air, and you waved! You also apparently thought you were bouncing on the moon, jumping up and down, kicking your cord, flailing your arms and feet. You babe, made this so real for us today. I stared at your picture all afternoon.
I didn't cry when I saw you the first time. Don't be offended. I didn't cry when your dad asked me to marry him either. I didn't cry when the HPT said positive. I waited until hours later when the adrenaline wore off and it "set in." Last night, I bawled!
We watched Planet Earth and watching the mommy polar bear take care of her babes made me think of you and me.
We talked to you for a while last night. We want you to know our voices. We told you about us, your grandparents, aunts and uncles. And you great dog and terrible dog.
Your dad looked at you in my belly and said, "You are going to be a great musician and theologian." Oh sweet babe, you don't have a chance. Dad will teach you how to read commentaries by age 3. You will probably skip Dr. Seuss.
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