November 28, 2012

11 days...or any day

11 days before we stare at a big "0 days to go" sign! Can't believe we are so close to the end, but I'm feeling it. Hence, a blog post at 5:30 in the morning. Too much heartburn after too much Mexican food = miserable momma!

Daddy Fekkes is the sweetest guy!

Daddy Fekkes bought Mommy Fekkes a big, beautiful camera as a "push present/Christmas present!" 
And Mommy Fekkes is very, very thankful!!
I'm excited and looking forward to capturing those "gone in the blink of an eye" moments with baby boy, (who is busy moving around like an alien child as I type.) 

Lastly, I have a dog story...
I overheard Derek talking to his dog, Brady, tonight. He said, "Brady, your mom has now thrown up on you and dropped a knife full of peanut butter on your head. I might stay away from her if I were you." I asked Derek what Brady's response to this was...He gave me a sideways head shake. :)

November 24, 2012

Dear Ezra

As your "birth day" draws near, I'm feeling nostalgic about our time together over the last 9 months. I remember so sweetly the day we took not one, but five pregnancy tests to confirm what we already knew. I remember kneeling at the alter Easter Sunday praying about the possibility of you and feeling in my heart our prayer already answered. We stopped to buy a test, I took it, I came running out with a smile on my face. Your daddy and I loaded up your puppy brothers and went back for more tests. All YES! Later that evening Daddy held mommy as she cried her eyes out at the amazingness of knowing that already you were growing inside of me.

Two days later, mommy celebrated her 26th birthday. We joke that Daddy gave me you as the best birthday present ever! We called your grandparents. Nana cried and starred at us. Oma and Opa's eyes grew big! Friends and family celebrated and rejoiced at the news.

We had to wait 12 weeks before we heard your heartbeat. Hearing the sound, daddy and mommy grabbed each other's hands and just said a prayer of thanksgiving. Your heart beating was the most beautiful sound. Seeing you move on the sonogram was life changing, overwhelming, captivating!

At 16 weeks we had a scare on a bad lab test. Knowing that you could be affected by my immunity to rubella caused us to fully rely on the goodness and faithfulness of God. He brought us through our fear and we know that on the day we meet you, He will have claimed victory over your health.

At 17 weeks, Daddy and mommy needed to get out of Midland, so we drove two hours to Lubbock just to get away. On the way home, mommy's stomach hurt so bad. Once at home again, we laid in bed and YOU KICKED! You moved and I knew it was YOU! Our sweet boy! Every time you moved I would grab your dad's hand, put it on my stomach, and then you would calm down. You were elusive to your dad for a few more weeks. At this point we always called you "our little one."

At 20 weeks, on your dad's 29th birthday, we had a 3d/4d ultrasound. We saw you move! We saw you touch your toes, give us a thumbs up and wiggle and giggle. We also DIDN'T see rubella!! Praise God!

At 21 weeks we opened a box on the beach on Camano and celebrated our SON! Blue balloons flew into the sky and daddy and mommy said another prayer of Thanksgiving for our baby boy. Your name, Ezra Liam Fekkes, written in the sand and on our hearts. I wanted a boy! I'm so thankful for you.

As we neared 29 weeks, my fears about losing you evaporated! You were viable! We were thankful!

At 32 weeks, Mommy took you to Georgia for time with friends and family. You were rubbed like Buddha by your many aunts and your cousin Caleb. You received so many beautiful gifts and you ate really good Mexican food! Also at this point, we discovered an issue with mommy's sugar. But, like everything else, we gave it to God. You, sweet boy, are going to be perfect on your birth day.

Now, at 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant, I'm looking back and remembering each day with you. Despite months of morning sickness, I wouldn't trade a single day with you. I've loved having you grow, move, kick and turn inside of me. I'm going to miss this feeling most. As the contractions begin to hurt, I grow in excitement for the moment when you will be in my arms! I love you sweet Ezra. Daddy loves you! Now, come and meet us whenever you are ready! We are waiting!

November 22, 2012

Nesting & Nursery - update

The nursery is coming along. Finally found a spread for the bed, pillows and packed the diaper bag! Just need a bedskirt. 
My nook! Still need to frame the invitations from my baby shower, but added beautiful curtains, the lamp and made a pillow for my great-grandmothers rocking chair! 
We took the closet door off to open up the space, organized the changing table, stocked the diaper basket and folded all 1,298 burp clothes and receiving blankets! 
Better view of the closet, changing table and crib. 
So, the nursery is coming along thanks in large part to Natalie, Nancy and Sarah L. All of Ezra's clothes are organized, separated by size, gently washed and folded and ready for a baby to fill them out! The closet is tidy thanks to Natalie and her super organized brain. The diaper bag is packed and ready to go, as is Mom and Dad's birthing center bag. The only thing left is waiting for baby...and the waiting is starting to get uncomfortable. Braxton Hicks contractions are starting to hurt more. The tightening of my entire bump lasting for 30+ seconds is a new sensation this week! But, one that is welcome because we know it is a short time now before we meet Ezra. I think I actually made my first "contraction face" today! This is so REAL! I'm so thankful for Thanksgiving! I've been able to REST, prepare for Ezra's arrival, spend an amazing week with Natalie and spend time with the amazing Langhoff family. Derek and I even went on a double date with S & B! Adult conversation, mommy talk and daddy (theology) talk all in one evening! We are such a blessed and growing family! Now, baby...COME OUT!!

Nesting & Natalie

Ornaments Aunt Natters and I made for Nat's birthday and Ezra's Christmas
So, Aunt Natalie came out to Midland this past Saturday to visit Derek and I and to help us prepare for the baby! Oh man, we accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. Natalie helped unpack from the baby shower my church hosted for us, (amazing, pictures when I get them,). She organized all of Ezra's clothes in the closet by size and she kept me on track and on my "list" of things to buy to make our transition into parenthood easy and stress-free. I'm so thankful for our few short days together. Nat is better at taking pictures than I am so here are some of her's from her trip to Midland...
Scottie Boo and our mini-tree. 
Ezra's baby ornament
The biggest tourist attraction...
Aunt Natter's with Brady Bear. 
Things we checked off my list: 
Curtains for the babies room.
Take closet door off to make more space for baby things.
Organize all clothes.
Pack hospital bag.
Bedspread for guest bed in baby's room.
Check off last minute registry needs. 
WASH everything!
Set up Christmas decorations BEFORE baby comes! 
So thankful for Natters! We had so much fun together! AND, we managed some great girl time with the lovely Sarah L. and Nancy L. Having an all-out girls shop-a-thon at 37 weeks pregnant was the best part! Game night, great food and having my best friend spend time with my husband = one very successful week! 

November 14, 2012

25 DAYS, 23 HOURS...

YES, I am getting a little ridiculous with this countdown business! But...
I slept through the night last night!
We are under one month to go!!
Aunt Natalie will be here this weekend to help me finish the nursery!
Our friends, Brian and Sarah with their sweet baby girl Brynlee, will be here for a week!
Which equals shopping for the ladies and daddy practice for Derek with Brian!
Ezra now has a beautiful changing pad and cover gifted by sweet Mrs. Lynn!
He also has a mattress for his crib!!!
Ideas are flowing for how best to organize his clothes (as I have no idea, but Nancy does!)
It's almost Thanksgiving, which means I'm "dressing" up as the turkey! :)
A cold front came in  making me much more comfortable!
OHHH so much to be thankful for! 

November 12, 2012

36 Weeks!

 A few weeks ago I flew to Georgia for a family and friends baby shower. My best friends gathered together in Northeast Atlanta for a shower and for a sleepover. Amy Dey, of Amy Dey Photography, my college roommate and best friend, took some amazing maternity photos in a field of tall grass. The best part was just hanging out with Amy. The shot above is one that I really really wanted. The necklace I'm wearing has an "e" engraved. I treated myself to this mommy gift in Washington this summer. I wanted to wear Ezra close to my heart. AND, I'm still wearing my wedding ring in this picture...unfortunately week 36 marks the end of wearing my ring :(
 I love this picture! I kept asking Amy, "Am I sitting up straight? It's really hard to!" So, she captured how I really feel and stand in pregnancy. I'm rocking some pretty amazing maternity jeans from Motherhood Maternity!
 This tree looks so much like the tree we were married under. Brooksie suggested this park for pictures and it was perfect! I think I was 32ish weeks when we took these photos. I just have to say that now I look double this size. I'm not sure I look all that pregnant in the above photo.
 Here's to looking like an unwed mother! No father in any pictures :( Derek wasn't able to make the trip to Georgia, but at least he will be in all of the newborn photos!!!
The lovely aunts of Baby Ezra! I know I have posted this a lot, but this is one lucky kid to have so many amazing aunts in his life! These women are so amazing and they always make me smile! Each aunt is holding the book they gifted Ezra with so that he can be a nerd like his parents! The kid has a nice library already!

36 weeks:
What to say about 36 weeks: Uncomfortable! Sleepless! Achy! BIG! I need help getting in and out of the tub :( Sometimes the chair! I have lost sight of my ankles! But, I have more energy than I did in the first or second trimester. Ezra and I met another new mommy who had baby Larsen a few weeks ago and we are already looking forward to play dates (where the mommy's get to play). Almost every meal we've had lately has been a crock pot meal. I'm starting to cut back at work. I'm trying to finish thank you cards, prepare the nursery and house for Ezra and CHRISTMAS! We've picked out Ezra's first baby bible! (Really hard decision.) Mommy and daddy are finally settling into the realization that Ezra is almost HERE!!! We are down to weekly visits with our midwife... AND TODAY IS finally COOL!  28 days to go to D day!

November 7, 2012

Baby shower

All of the volunteers at work got together and hosted a baby shower for Derek and I. They were so sweet. We both felt so loved and appreciated. I have to secretly admit how much I am looking forward to maternity leave! Time with Derek and Ezra is highly anticipated, but I will miss the lovely people that I spend my working days with. Ezra was blessed with a beautiful handmade quilt, handmade blankets and a beautiful Moses basket gifted from my boss. Again, we are blessed!
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