February 6, 2013

Thoughts of poo...

Okay, yes, I have poo on the brain all. the. time! I know that if I eat foods high in iron, E's poop will change from his normal mustard yellow seedy poop to stringy green poop that resembles a green smoothie. Our adventures in poop include:

1. Trying to take cute naked newborn photos...having E poop all over me while adjusting his pose. Daddy laughed. Lesson learned = wait to take photos until after a major poo.
2. Taking the diaper off too early at bath time, leaving the bathroom drawer slightly open...results in splatter poo all over the counter, in the drawer and on your hairbrush, on the floor and on you...a smiling baby finishes it off. Lesson learned = make sure the water is ready before you take the diaper off.
3. Taking a bath in poop...Ezra has been known to let it all out while enjoying a leisurely soak. Lesson learned = make sure the kid has recently BM'd before a bath.
4. Projectile poop on the changing table...Ezra has horizontally shot out poo across the length of the changing table while being wiped down. Lesson learned = watch the babe's face. When he starts to "plank" and bite his bottom lip, prepare the hatch and clear the area!

And ohh the adventures with pee...Ezra has almost slamdunked his mouth with his aim and arc. He has hit the mirror in the bathroom. He routinely fills his belly button on the changing table or bath and he has wet mom and dad's clothes and the bathroom floor to the point where we all need waterproof pants!

The system is humorously falling into place as we learn about E's digestive system. The adventure's into parenthood never cease and always keep us laughing...maybe not in the exact moment, but eventually. We love this little guy and all the lessons he is teaching us.

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