...6 geese a laying... did you know that this stands for the 6 days of creation?
...7 swans a swimming...representative of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit
Yesterday, I went ice skating with Amanda, Lucy and Troy. It was fun. No broken bones to report. I lasted about 30 minutes, wobbled a bit, and managed to avoid the nastier wipe-outs on the ice. Amanda and I watched the film Amelie - French film with subtitles. It was really good. Laugh out loud comical at times, but also of a serious nature. Sleep eluded me once again...I think maybe 4 hours max. If you guys want to lift sleep up in prayer, that would be much appreciated! I gave in and skyped with Natalie for 2 hours in the middle of the night. She is now working a great new do. (HOT - T!) The question now is do blonds or brunettes have more fun?!? We shall soon find out.
I started reading Mere Christianity this week. I'm coupling it with To Kill a Mockingbird. I need to make a run into Seoul for some more books. Any suggestions?
Lastly, Yes my facebook status has changed and yes, it's really good. I'll fill you in more in a later post.
Dear Santa,
I want a puppy for Christmas, please.
(my after school student)
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