December 3, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

4 Calling Birds...

Dear Santa,
Thank you for finding Nana's pearl. Now about the other things on my list...
I think I am satisfied for now.
Anlee Brooke

Sorry guys, I do not have a Dear Santa letter from the kiddies today, but I have one from my co-worker, Lucy:

Dear Santa,
I want to go to the Philippines, please!
Love, Lucy

So, I found out today that I have been okay'ed to take a vacation day in February giving me a total of 6 days straight of freedom from school!!! My co-workers had originally proposed the idea of vacationing together in the Philippines. Today, I found out that Lucy definitely cannot go as the weekend falls on a Korean holiday. It looks like I might take my first solo vacation somewhere. Palawan, Philippines is looking pretty good, but not so much for a solo traveler. New Zealand is sounding nice, but a bit more (A LOT more) expensive! Looking at the map of eastern Asia, the choices are (and safest to travel alone): Philippines, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, China, Vietnam, Russia, or Japan. Let's take a poll and see where you guys think I should go. Email me any advice that you have!

In the spirit of Christmas, here is a great video of some seriously fanatical Christmas enthusiasts. Enjoy!
Can these guys be my neighbor's please!!!!

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