April 20, 2010

Floating Sleep

I have found that sleeping peacefully - for me - is a reflection of experiencing a peaceful day. If I end my waking day with anxiety, my sleep is usually anxious. If the day is consumed by unknowns, I can usually expect to find myself running around chasing after something completely unattainable. And when the day contains something fearful or scary, my dreams take on the shape of nightmares.

Sleep for me last night felt like floating on a cloud. It wasn't too deep of sleep, the kind that leaves you with a sleep hangover. It wasn't too lite. It was just right. I don't think I moved the entire night. The covers were half covering my face, the temperature wasn't too hot or too cold. I experienced my ideal sleep!! I woke up excited about the day and excited to go to school. I left early and went by the bakery across the street. I'm off to a running start today!

So, basic logic points to the premise that I must have experienced a really peaceful day yesterday. I DID!! A great guitar lesson with a great teacher, great conversation (with a handsome man), some yummy clam chowder (I now think clam chowder is yummy), a good and productive day at school, SPRING weather, skype calls, long emails from friends, and being in the presence and joy of JESUS!

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