April 18, 2010

Looking forward to Monday's

Good Monday Morning... What is your Monday morning outlook? Are you fare and warm, frosty and cold, rainy and lazy or sunny and bright? I am usually a combination of cloudy, rainy, windy, stormy, with pockets of sunshine determined to break through.

This is no way to greet a classroom full of eager students ready to play with their friends and release pent up energy from their weekend at home. I want to be excited for Monday to arrive. And I want to carry that excitment through the week. Lately, I have been living for Friday's. Again, no way to live.

So, I am determined to draw on the Lord's strength and joy to enjoy his day everyday and not just the weekend's, which while fun are often times just as busy as the work week.

Yesterday, I really received blessings from the Lord. Being so abundantly aware of and walking, speaking, believing in his hope and grace built me up in excitement and awe of the work he is doing in my life. He is using some really amazing people to continue to reveal his heart to me - He is so determined to win all of me and not just the "parts" that I choose to give him. I love my jealous God! Explaining those good works would take an infinite blog post, so I have decided to write out my testimony. I have typed it up a couple of times, in those situations where I was being called on to share the intimacy and power that has been revealed to me in my relationship with the Lord. But, my testimony, the work and life of Christ in me, is a life story of pursuit and grace. I'm committing myself to writing about His presence in my life each day. I want to own this beautiful love story as my own, to be ready to share it with others and to draw strength from seeing the Lord's great love for me.

My prayer is that each of you know how dearly loved you are and how very thankful I am for you. You bless me by your love and support.

Happy Monday Morning!!!

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