Yesterday, Derek and I went and looked at another place. Derek is pretty much amazing. He has spent hours touring around with agents, co-workers and friends trying hard to find a place that will make us happy. He did...I stressed him out so much, and was a royal brat.
Our friend Amy helped us find a "villa" near our church. It's new and has never been lived in. It's 2 bedrooms, one "laundry room," bathroom and open kitchen/living room. This might sound amazing, but keep in mind America is the only place in the world that believes in large living spaces. For the two of us, it is good.
We plan on filling it with a couch gifted by our lovely friend Audrey, a piano we hope to find with our friend Nancy, an oven for me and other gifts we find next door at the recycling center.
The best aspect of the apartment is that it's next door to church and the view from the roof is good. I hope to have access year round to the roof for a special place/quiet place.
Our expectations are constantly shifting and I am learning humilty through this experience. I'm thankful for that...
On another note...the lovely women of women's group threw me a surprise lingerie shower last night, complete with poems and a "panty line" where each girl held underwear significant to special days in our marriage. They were very kind and very generous. They gifted me jewelry for our wedding day and a photo frame that they all wrote lovely messages on. Sweetness...
Home in 10 days!