June 15, 2011

Baby Watch 2011

My Sista - Ashleigh Long
My first sister was one of the greatest gifts in my life. I met her when I was an awkward middle-schooler and she was my oldest brother's hot date. I remember what she wore the first time I met her. She had on an American Eagle mini skirt with a fluffy winter vest and white turtle neck and a multi-colored scarf with boots with the fur. Throughout my high school years, she was the coolest person I knew and the most fashionable. I became really sick my senior year and was in the hospital. She gave me a picture frame that said friends. I still have it. She is my best friend. BEST meaning you can't find a better one. Her heart is so generous and loving, full of life and laughter. She is that person that you think can't really be real because they are so full of joy. And now, she is going to be a momma.

I can't believe that I am missing her pregnancy! I've been waiting long enough for her and Whit to start a family knowing that the 9 months that she would be pregnant would be filled with fun planning and baby books. Scout Remmy or Knox Whitley will join us sometime in November. I can't wait!

Thanks to skype I saw my sista's pregnant belly for the first time today and she posted this picture. I seriously can't believe it. Whit and Ashley are the most amazing people and I can't wait to see them become parents...with their matching Burberry sweaters and baby and daddy swimsuits! Now, we just need to find out if my next baby will be a niece or nephew!

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