June 22, 2011

Things I would like to be better at:

  1. Proofreading my blogs before I post them! And being more consistent. 
  2. Wearing sunscreen.
  3. Spending quiet time just gazing and wondering at the awesomeness of the Lord.
  4. Not matching! I really hate matching, but I have a hard time experimenting.
  5. Photography!
  6. Being an aunt and baby whisperer. I want to be the world's most reliable babysitter! 
  7. Drawing and Painting. Derek is encouraging me to take an art class.
  8. Exercise! Enough said. I'm currently doing a crappy job of the boot camp Derek designed for us this month! 
  9. Answering my phone, charging my phone, knowing where my phone is...I hate cell phones!  I'm hoping to break really bad habits reinforced here in Korea and actually use a phone! 
  10. Piano...that means Derek and I both have to be better at teaching me! I can play two rhythms now and a couple of inversions, but I'm not doing anything other than playing chords. I guess its safe to say guitar has been put to rest for the time being. 
  11. Cooking - balanced and healthy meals that the main ingredient is not cheese, meat, starch or salt! Eating my daily servings of fruit AND veggies! (I slack on the veggies!)
  12. Giving. I really want to be more generous with time, money and PATIENCE! I'm not a social butterfly. I really, really love alone time and Korea has spoiled me, so I'm hoping to overcome the homebody attitude and gear up for socializing again! 
  13. Enunciating! YES, after being an ESL teacher and constantly enunciating every single word, I have almost fully lost my Southern accent. I don't necessarily want it back, but I don't want to be a walking ESL teacher in America. I'm hoping this will fade away as we acclimate to home again. 
  14. Sewing - My sewing machine and I have a twisted, not always pleasant relationship. But, we do make some fun and interesting things together. I have a crafty side that I can't wait to share with the new people in my life. I just need a week long vacation with my machine and endless fabric to craft and create everything we could ever need for our  new home!
  15. Being a better wife, daughter, sister, friend and in-law

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