April 19, 2011

Dialoguing Wives

Dear Lady Friends,

Lately, I have been reading a blog from Mars Hill Church. The name is Dialoguing Wives. Basically, it's two woman - one, a mature Christian who has been married for many years and another that is a Christian in a new marriage. The younger writes the older one letters about marriage and "working it out." Working out faith in marriage is a really amazing thing for me. Daily, I'm challenged to go deeper in "wrestling with my faith." I'm also challenged to break the ugly face of pride and put on the face of humility. IM LOVIN' IT! It hurts...it's painful...it's uncomfortable...but it's AMAZING! Being here in Korea, I've been longing for a married mentor. Well, God heard that prayer and gave me an interesting medium for that mentor. Dialoguing Wives has been enriching me, so I suggest married or not, you check it out! If you are in a relationship or considering being in one and you want it to be God's place, read up! Dating "sucks!" Derek and I both agree on that point. But, it's training ground for learning how to care for God's sons and daughters. Here's an excerpt from the blog that I really liked reading this morning:

“How have you used prayer as a tool … so that you are supporting him all the days of his life?”

Looking back at all the times I’ve tried to pressure Gavin [husband] to do something like go to that men’s group, I can see clearly see my sin. The more I focused on what he wasn’t doing, the angrier I became, and the further away I got from hearing God’s voice of reason. In the times that I have intentionally prayed about my irritations and sought out God’s advice, I have been able to reject my wrongful thinking and effectively pray for Gavin.
Going to God first really does work because it means my thinking will be corrected and I will hear God’s leading. (“Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.” Proverbs 28:26) My words will come out surprisingly gentler, and sometimes I won’t say anything because I’m able to peacefully let it go. (Ecclesiastes 3:7)
You mentioned something else I thought was important: “… the Holy Spirit and Ryan are using these situations to get my attention for a deeper issue.” What is the Holy Spirit revealing to you in your heart about this? What would you list out as small frustrations? How have you used prayer as a tool to change your attitude towards Ryan so that you are supporting him all the days of his life? (Write it all down.)
 Proverbs 28:26 is really speaking to me. And, in praying for peace recently, I've been given peace. Peace with God means peace with my amazing Husband and it overflows into all other relationships. 

If you want to be a dialoguing wife with me, I'm completely down for "working this out" together with my sisters in Christ.

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