December 29, 2009

Good news and GREAT Joy

Not only have I taken a blogging hiatus, but I have also have taken a photo hiatus. I have no pictures to share with you over the holidays here in Korea. But, I hope that your Christmas was as joyful as mine. I spent mine with friends that have become family in South Korea.

Christmas Eve Mary, Derek, Chris and I went to Dongsan Church for a Christmas Eve service. The church is HUGE - maybe a couple thousand people at the service?!? Almost every song was in Korean, except Derek and his friends singing Joyful, Joyful. They rocked the sanctuary. It blew my mind how many children's choirs the church had. My favorite part was the songs performed by the special needs choirs. It was very touching and reminded me that Christmas is about loving each other, not just twinkling lights.

After church we made our way back to mine and Amanda's apartment. Thanks to mom's AMAZING CHRISTMAS PACKAGE we had a Christmas tree with decorations and lights to stuff our presents under. With many snacks and chocolate covered raisins, we began a game of NERTS (I'm intentionally spelling it wrong as every time I mention it I get random emails from the national nerts association. I have no idea how they know, but I think they might have spy satellites floating around picking up the best players.) AMANDA dominated the game. For an experienced player it was humbling. It was really fun to enjoy each other and spend time talking and laughing. Brian made a Christmas playlist, Chris serenaded us with the guitar and spontaneous lyrics, Derek provided the best chips on the face of the earth and the girls just enjoyed it all. We settled down and watched Elf later on. For some things, you just have to be there. It was a really good time.

We had Christmas dinner at church - turkey and all of the normal Korean food minus the Kimchi. It was raining when we went into church and misty most of the day. I spent the rest of the day with Derek and had an amazing Christmas. Not once did I think that I would rather be anywhere else. It was a great day spent with great people.

Not to leave Santa out of the story...Santa visited me by way of the United States Postal Service. He brought me a ITOUCH! I'm still learning how to work it, but it comes in really handy at work to tune out screaming children, has a map of the Seoul metro and tells me the weather so I know when it is going to snow. Speaking of - it snowed on Christmas and this past weekend. I dropped down on the sidewalk and made a snow angel. It was great. Scottie sent his mom (my dog, by the way) mittens, a hat and scarf. What a sweet boy. Hummmmm...where as fruit cake is always a plentiful gift, this year mine was socks!!!! I LOVE SOCKS! Especially the fuzzy kind, so it was a really gooooood Christmas.

PS: Amanda and I have a "pet." We think it is a mouse. Not sure. But, we hear scampering feet in the walls and ceiling each night. --- What to do?? ---

I have a lot of news about future plans that I'm working on. I will try to keep this a bit more updated and let you in on what I have in mind. (Teaser alert!)

His love and mine...

December 22, 2009

I have taken a blogging hiatus - sorry about that. Top New Stories from the other side of the world:

-The pipes were frozen most of the last week and the the beginning of this week. It was so cold I could see my breath in my classroom, the toilets did not flush (gross), there was not any water = general insanity. I could not feel my feet even though I was wearing 4 pairs of socks. Today - it is a warm day outside, so the school has heated a bit.

-12 of us went into Seoul this past weekend to see the Korean National Ballet's performance of the Nutcracker. It was different from what I have seen before, but no doubt, the KNB is very talented. We dined at Tony Roma's prior to the ballet. Really good food. The general review was that Nancy's husband was sleeping soundly by the first 10 minutes. Brian cried. Cam laughed out loud and I chuckled at the vibrant response by the audience during curtain calls. Synchronized clapping at the ballet?!? A quick drop-in at Starbucks for some hot chocolate and we called it a night. Great times...

-I received not one, but 2 packages from my mom today! One I can't open until Santa comes. The other was full of Christmas decorations and, YEP, a CHRISTMAS TREE. Mom did not leave Jesus out of the season - SHE SENT A NATIVITY SCENE, too. Almond joys, candy canes, Hershey's kisses and the limited edition white fudge covered oreos! I think Santa really does exist - real name: Annette Bozeman - aka Mom.

-YOUNG JOO IS HERE! Young is visiting Korea over the holiday's. I took him out to dinner to grab some curry and showed him my mad guitar skills thanks to my great guitar teacher! Young was impressed! He's joining our Bible study this week. I'm really thankful to have him here and to share Korea with him. Plus - we can call the dawgs together.

-AVATAR: Great movie. Really enjoyed it. Really want to go to New Zealand even more. I have never had such an interactive seat before. In the big fight scenes, my seat would vibrate to match the music - really cool, but completely unexpected. I thought only Disney did stuff like that. Makes the movie experience much cooler.

My heart goes out to you guys. I miss you. I am happy and enjoying the holiday's here. More to come.

December 16, 2009

Looking for Class

Last week I picked up Bruce Feiler's Looking for Class: Days and Nights at Oxford and Cambridge. It was witty and thoughtful. I really enjoy his writing. I think Mr. Feiler might surpass my favored travel writers as he is able to transport you to the place and time - rather than just give you an itinerary. You guys should check him out. He's from Savannah, Georgia; studied History at Yale; International Relations at Cambridge; and spent 5 years teaching and traveling in Japan. His latest endeavors are traversing the stories of the Bible on a quest of self-discovery and knowledge of the validity of the Word of God.

I really liked this particular book - he wrote the book undercover in one of the most elite colleges in the world. No one but those closet to him knew what he was up to. He did go on to earn his degree from the distinguished university, but while there captured the essence of British elite society and the differences between American collegiate education versus that which you would find in the UK.

...According to him, America wins...

Young, my friend from Athens, will be here tomorrow! I can't wait to see him. I was planning on meeting him at the airport, but was denied the privilege from my boss. Oh well. We are planning to hang out Friday! I'm also really excited because Young is coming to Bible Study next week!!!!!! YAY for Young! I can't wait to show him around his own country and introduce him to the cool people that I have met here. I'm also excited about meeting some of his friends that are still in Korea. A nertz game is being planned as Young has always been an excellent nertz partner!

December 15, 2009

More skiing...

Hey guys, I'm posting some videos of the ski weekend. You will see some new faces and here the same ole' Anlee being loud and "wooing"! Enjoy!

Untitled from Anlee Rickerson on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anlee Rickerson on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anlee Rickerson on Vimeo.

PS: It's 10 days until Christmas! How did it get here so quickly?!? I am no where near finished with my Christmas shopping! So, here is my Dear Santa letter for today...

Dear Santa,
Please make the online shopping easy and understandable for me. Help us to have a great season...and make momma smile! She's sad that I'm not at home. MOM I HAVE FAMILY IN KOREA! I promise to keep skype on all watch me sleep like a creeper and see me wake up! No worries.
Thanks Santa!
Anlee Brooke

December 13, 2009

On the 12th day of Christmas...

On the 12th day of Christmas my True Love gave to me...12 Drummers Drumming...significant of the 12 points of doctrine in the Apostles Creed.

On my 12th Day of Christmas... I went skiing up in Yongpyeong with Amanda and my co-workers. The weekend ended up being much better than anticipated. More to come on that in a later post.

The 12th day of Christmas was also Natalie's Birthday!!! Brooks and Adam told me they were engaged! And I was able to hang out with this really cool drummer - Derek. So, the 12th day of Christmas for me was a great day!

Okay, I told you I would tell you more about Derek. I'm sure you guys know quite a bit about him from reading my blog, but he is a really great guy - the coolest thing about him is his passion for Jesus! I met him at church my first week in Korea. Amanda seems to remember me coming home and commenting on how nice he was...he is pretty nice. He started teaching me guitar lessons and we've been in a Bible study together for a few months. He's super encouraging to be around, makes a great conversation companion, funny, likes the outdoors and defines the word gentleman. I don't want this to sound like a PI report, so that's all the juice you get for now. To the ladies at ABHS: Yes, I think it's funny that I met someone on the other side of the world. Even better that he's an American. Lastly, I'm happy!

We are in the homestretch of Amanda leaving Korea. I'm excited for her and the opportunities that she is going back to, but also sad that my best friend in Korea is leaving.

Later today I will be posting some pictures and videos from our ski trip...stay tuned! LOVE!

While the kids are away, the Teachers will play

On the road from Anlee Rickerson on Vimeo.

Watch the video above for a short introduction to our ski trip. We left Gunpo around 6:30pm - late! What was supposed to be a noraebang bus (karaoke) turned out to be our school bus - bright yellow with little kids faces on the side. Amanda and I were given seats of honor, segregated away from the rest of the group and first to fly through the window in case of an accident. We didn't mind. After sitting in stop and go traffic, winding through the mountains of Korea and stopping at a rest stop for a bathroom break...sorry I didn't have a camera handy, but the ladies bathroom door said "The story of toilet." It was great! There was also a full garden and ski light in the bathroom. With all of this high class you would expect a western style toilet. Nope - squatters it is. Back in the bus we drove the last 40 minutes to our accommodations - I thought it was too similar to deliverance country. Maybe a run down Blue Ridge restaurant where the patrons could be the dinner would be more exact...I jest! Well, only a little. When we stopped and everyone started getting off the bus, I asked for a translation. They said we were here. I said, where the heck is HERE? Anyway, we stand in the freezing cold air for a few minutes before being welcomed inside by dinner! See below!!!!!
This would be Wilbur. Yep, ALL OF HIM!

Dinner?!? from Anlee Rickerson on Vimeo.

So, walking into the room hoping for something recognizable, Amanda and I found the pig. I had no shame as I videotaped the grill master cutting the back bone of the pig with pliers. As foreign guests Amanda and I were fortunate enough to sit across from the host and giver of the pig. I am pretty sure I offended him severely when I refused a sampling of soju and his homemade mokuli. I managed to steer clear of the soju, but felt obligated to try his homemade rice wine. It tasted a bit like pineapple juice or a wine cooler. Sweet, a little fruity. Everyone dug in to the bountiful plates of pig. There's just something really creepy about eating the meal that is still sitting with it's feet, tail, organs, tongue, etc at the end of the table. I was feeling quite queasy and soon my stomach began to growl. Amanda and I were smart enough to anticipate this meal so we brought along PB&J. See below:

The green bottles on the table are bottles of soju. For each person at the dinner, there was a BOTTLE of soju. I learned this weekend that each green headache contains 20% alcohol. I watched quite a few of my co-workers chug the drinks in honor of my boss and the hospitality. I also watched as many of my co-workers were showered in a champagne explosion. WOW! When the children are away, the teachers REALLY play! Lucy was really helpful in keeping my glass empty. It's really rude in Korean culture to refuse drinks from someone. Most of the time they are drinking in your honor, anyway. But, each time my glass was filled Lucy would stealthily hide the cup under the table. I should have been just as inebriated as everyone else, but thanks to Lucy and plain stubbornness, I was not.

Around midnight, the "seminar" started. This was completely in Korean. I zoned out and went to a happy place of day-dreaming. When I came back, awards were being given out. Still unsure of what's going on, Lucy says "Anlee, are you ready for bed?" HECK YES I AM! So, I go into the room where Amanda, Lucy and several other female co-workers are staying for the night. I wash my face, get into my pjs and lay down the most cushioned mat available on the freezing cold floor. We request the floor heat to be turned on - it is. As we begin to snuggle, Amanda and I declare that tonight we probably will cuddle as it's just too cold not to. A few minutes go by and we are roused by the sounds of fireworks. YEP! My tipsy co-workers brought Roman candles along. We run outside to participate. IT'S TOO COLD! We run back inside just as quickly. Now time for more snuggling! I am able to have a sober/tipsy conversation with a fellow girl at work about Jesus. That was good. It's now around 2am...sleep...not quite. The floor is the floor is hot. Karaoke going on outside our bedroom running around outside the window chugging cases of Cass (beer) screaming at the top of their Korean that you 5am? Now the floor is a furnace. I'm throwing the covers off wishing to be back in my bed spring bed in Gunpo! (WHAT? I thought this would never happen?) Most of you know that I am a bit creeped out by hotel pillows and blankets...well, this place topped the cake! Everything was yellow with age and smelled of mold. I slept on my arm and woke up to it being completely numb. Below is a picture of Amanda, Lucy and I dreaming of sleep yet embracing the morning.

The place where we stayed! Look familiar North Georgia friends?

Finally, after a breakfast of dried-fish noodles, kimchi and other unrecognizable things, we load the bus for the ski slopes...

Stay gets better!

December 10, 2009

11 Pipers Piping...almost there...

Off on a "grand" adventure today - heading out this afternoon for the ski slopes in Northeastern Korea. Woke up this morning with a pretty intense sore throat - just my luck. The weather report is calling for snow on the drive there and all day tomorrow around Yongpyeong - EXCITED! Amanda had packed us PB&J sandwiches to get us through the weekend!

My problem child is currently naked in the teachers room and I'm finding it hard not to laugh. This is the second time this week that he has had an "accident." Poor guy. He's only 7!!! Maybe coming to school excites him so much he just gets overjoyed and can't control his bodily functions. Either way, I'm glad that the clean-up job falls to the Korean teachers.

I went into Seoul last night to do a bit of Christmas Shopping. I did get some things done, but it was rainy and a bit sketchy so I didn't get it all taken care of. I DID get ME a gift: I picked up Bruce Feiler's Looking for Class, which I am already hip-deep in. I really enjoy his writing style and he's a travel writer - so, he's pretty great. I also picked up another Lewis essay. It feels good to sit down and read.

Dear Santa,
Please allow us to make it through this weekend with our sanity and to come back having had a good time. Please allow the food to be recognizable and the drinks to more diverse than just soju and makuli.
Anlee and Amanda
(two hostages on a teachers get-a-way)
10 Lords a leaping - refers to the ten commandments

Dear Santa,
I want Anlee. Just hug, please.

(My amazing Korean co-teacher and travel partner and fashion guru and...she's a lot of things to me here in Korea.)

I'm going into Seoul tonight to do some Christmas shopping. It's hard to be creative here "when you do not have a Wal-mart," as Amanda has said. But, I hope to find some things that have some meaning to them. I have a couple of video's to post for you guys. Today, some of my students broke out singing Feliz Navidad. I'm so thankful I brought the camera today. Stay tuned for that!

We had a really great Bible study this week. I feel so encouraged each time we meet. I've also been super encouraged from skype calls and emails with you guys. Sometimes, it feels like I never left Georgia. I'm really blessed to have you all in my life. So, thanks.


December 9, 2009

9 Ladies Dancing refers to the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Dear Santa,
Please bring me free time. AND shoes and bags - designer - Chanel. Anna wants a new cell phone. Joseph wants a wii. Hubby wants free time.
(My Korean co-teacher)

I was just given the itinerary for this weekend's ski trip...NOT EXCITED ANYMORE!
Depart at 6:30
Arrive at 9:00
Dinner at 10:00
Seminar at 12:00 (WT$??? yep, I just said that)
Bedtime: 2:00AM (huh?)
Wake up call: 8:00 (unrealistic)
Breakfast at 8:10
Ski at 9:00
2:30-3:00 DEPART
Arrive back in Gunpo 6:00

Okay - this is the "plan"...we shall see. I'm not sure what the seminar entails. Probably noraebong. I plan to SKIP OUT!

I had more to say today, but I find myself too overwhelmed by the weekend plans to really gather my thoughts. On a positive note, Derek and I are going ice-skating this weekend! It's almost Christmas and the ballet is coming up quickly! Things to look forward to.

December 7, 2009

On the 8th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...8 maids a milking - significant because it refers to the eight beatitudes...

Dear Santa,
Please make Tess all better.
(My best friend; Tess is Natalie's dog, Santa, FYI)

Yesterday, I arrived at school to some commotion. All of the pipes were frozen. I guess missing a day of washing your hands every 35 minutes is okay, right? Today I hear that Seoul is experiencing some intense snow. They are blanketed. Me - nothing...yet. I still have hope.

YOUNG WILL BE HERE NEXT WEEK!!! So excited! Can't wait to see him. He's one of the most influential men in my life, so it's going to be goooood! He's coming back to Korea to visit his mom - he hasn't been here in over 2 years. So, I am excited to see a bit of Korea through his eyes. Plus, I will have someone from Georgia to remind me of all the great things that make us bulldawgs the coolest people on planet earth! Still hoping that Sean will join us in gallivanting around Korea. Three dawgs in one country = awesomeness!

Going skiing this weekend or rather we have the intention of going skiing this weekend. Can't wait to see the snow. Hope you all are bundled and warm. LOVE!

December 6, 2009

...6 geese a laying... did you know that this stands for the 6 days of creation?

...7 swans a swimming...representative of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit

Yesterday, I went ice skating with Amanda, Lucy and Troy. It was fun. No broken bones to report. I lasted about 30 minutes, wobbled a bit, and managed to avoid the nastier wipe-outs on the ice. Amanda and I watched the film Amelie - French film with subtitles. It was really good. Laugh out loud comical at times, but also of a serious nature. Sleep eluded me once again...I think maybe 4 hours max. If you guys want to lift sleep up in prayer, that would be much appreciated! I gave in and skyped with Natalie for 2 hours in the middle of the night. She is now working a great new do. (HOT - T!) The question now is do blonds or brunettes have more fun?!? We shall soon find out.

I started reading Mere Christianity this week. I'm coupling it with To Kill a Mockingbird. I need to make a run into Seoul for some more books. Any suggestions?

Lastly, Yes my facebook status has changed and yes, it's really good. I'll fill you in more in a later post.

Dear Santa,
I want a puppy for Christmas, please.
(my after school student)

December 5, 2009

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

On the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me

I woke up bright and early this morning with the train...right outside my window! Originally, the plan was to meet Lucy and Troy, my Korean friends, at the coffee shop Le'Epi France that I have mentioned before. There was some confusion and Lucy and Troy didn't make it. Amanda and I, however, did and were gifted an amazing chocolate cake by Chong He, the owner. It was a real cake, not to be confused with the other bakery "fake cakes" in Korea. This one had real whipped cream! DELICIOUS! We met up with Gij and made our way to the theater. There, we paid our 8,000w to see New Moon...

Okay, I admit - it was better than the first movie in the saga, but I still laughed out loud several times by the delivery of some cheesy lines and the responding giggles of the teenage girls in the movie theater. However, Jacob wins the fight between vampire and wolf. That's all I'm going to say on that topic.

After the movie I made my way to Seoul to join Derek on a Christmas shopping spree. Dongdaemun was into the Holiday Spirit! Christmas lights twinkled bright and Festive decor brightened the stores. We had dinner in Myeongdong at a nice Italian restaurant. Ummm so good. Sorry, didn't take any pictures. I'm living off of Italian and curry these days, so the pictures might get old. AND we were lucky enough to have seats back on the train the entire way! Doesn't get much better than that!

P.S. My Dear Santa letter today was going to ask for snow...Santa is GOOD because it snowed for about 2 hours this morning. Nothing was sticking and it was really just gusts of wind blowing around sweet little flakes - it was perfect. I can't wait for it to cover the ground.

I hear you guys are expecting snow in Georgia this weekend! Enjoy!

December 3, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

4 Calling Birds...

Dear Santa,
Thank you for finding Nana's pearl. Now about the other things on my list...
I think I am satisfied for now.
Anlee Brooke

Sorry guys, I do not have a Dear Santa letter from the kiddies today, but I have one from my co-worker, Lucy:

Dear Santa,
I want to go to the Philippines, please!
Love, Lucy

So, I found out today that I have been okay'ed to take a vacation day in February giving me a total of 6 days straight of freedom from school!!! My co-workers had originally proposed the idea of vacationing together in the Philippines. Today, I found out that Lucy definitely cannot go as the weekend falls on a Korean holiday. It looks like I might take my first solo vacation somewhere. Palawan, Philippines is looking pretty good, but not so much for a solo traveler. New Zealand is sounding nice, but a bit more (A LOT more) expensive! Looking at the map of eastern Asia, the choices are (and safest to travel alone): Philippines, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, China, Vietnam, Russia, or Japan. Let's take a poll and see where you guys think I should go. Email me any advice that you have!

In the spirit of Christmas, here is a great video of some seriously fanatical Christmas enthusiasts. Enjoy!
Can these guys be my neighbor's please!!!!

December 2, 2009

O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree

Okay, the Christmas tree is up!!
This was the AHHmazing brainstorm that I had had a few days back and realized last night as Amanda and I put it together. I hope you like our Asian Christmas Tree. I have to give credit to JCrew for inspiring me to create a tree that is highly educated. Our tree is made of chopsticks and the pages of Jane Eyre (hence, highly educated).. The tree topper is a paper crane that Amanda crafted. When I woke up this morning, I did so with a bit more enthusiasm knowing that I would pass the tree on my way for morning coffee.

Joining us this holiday season is Herman, the Christmas cactus: (he's missing an appendage due to my drying clothes falling on him.) And, my mom's angel that has been watching me sleep since early high school. Rounding out the gang are countless candy canes and snowflakes. I spent about 3 hours listening to Christmas carols last night -- neighbors, unfortunately, did too!

Dear Santa,
I want a puppy for Christmas, please. Please bring me a notebook computer. Please bring me a doll. Please bring me a bicycle. Please bring me a mp3. Please bring me clothes.

My most advanced student! She has a pricier list.

Dear Santa Claus,
Please help me find my Nana's pearl. I wear it everyday and have for the past few years. My grandfather gave it to her as a wedding gift 60 years ago. I woke up this morning and it wasn't on my chain. I've been really sad this morning. Please help me find it. It means more than words to me.

So, mine is a bit more depressing...

In other news, NATTERS is HOME! That means a lot of skype calls to come. So, happy you are home safe and sound Nat! It's Thursday, which means another week has flown by! Saturday, we are going to see New Moon. It's being released here today. I think I am also going to go ice skating on Saturday. I have had it in my head and now intend to go.

I finished reading Jane Eyre yesterday. It felt good to plow through a book. My brain feels slower here, reading less. But, as always, Jane is a wonderful woman and Mr. Rochester, a wonderful man. I guess it's safe to say it's the adult version of a Disney movie with a classic love story. Good read. Will elaborate more later.

On the third day of Christmas, my TRUE LOVE gave to me, Three French Hens


On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me

Dear Santa Claus
I want a puppy for Christmas, please. Please bring me a doll. Please bring me a notebook. Please bring me a toy. Please bring me a jump-rope. Please bring me a book.

-One of my advanced afternoon students. Lilly drew holly leaves and stars on her letter with pastel colored crayons.

My letter:
Dear Santa (aka Mom),
Please send jeans that fit. Please send a nice dress that isn't too short, too small, made of knit material, that doesn't have cats on it or have funny Englishee words on it. Please send oreos in your sleigh in the form of an international care package.
Anlee Brooke

You can really see the Christmas cheer around these parts! Just kidding. I went hunting Christmas decor at the local E-mart to be disappointed -- they had expensive trimmed trees and bedazzled balls, but nothing that really said, "Anlee, I will make you happy and festive." The door at Holly's Coffee shop has a guy that looks like he's from South Park that says "Merry Christmas" -- he's not smiling. Starbucks is happy to cheer on the holidays!

Today, I was able to teach again. The books finally came in. This equals a happy teacher and happy students. We learned today how to make salad. My kids understand tomato, but cannot comprehend potato?!? I played with the 4 year olds for a while. I love those little guys so freaking much! They like to fly like airplanes so I think playing with them equals strength training. They also like to ride on my feet down the halls, essentially pulling my pants down each time. It makes for a funny scene.

I thought we were having a good day in my after school phonics class. The kids hardly listen, but have shown real progress and are beginning to respect me as an authority. I think they all are ADD, however. Main point: class was just fine when all of a sudden one of my boys stood up, balled his fist at another male student, screamed some interesting Korean verses, and proceeded to smack the H#$$ out of the other student. My face hurt when I both saw and heard the smack! I didn't know how to react at first. They both started crying! I recovered and took them both out of class to find that what started the fight in the first place is that one was annoying the other. If I resort to their ways, there would be lots of kids walking around with hand prints on their faces!

So, crisis taken care of, I finished the day helping my director choose Amanda's replacement teacher. I felt so powerful deciding the fate of the potential applicants. That could be a deadly authority. At the same time, I already feel bad for what they will endure in frustration and awkwardness at first. Okay, that sounds harsh. I am settled and happy now, so they will hopefully have an easier time with someone to show them the ropes. (PS, I picked the American over the English. Not entirely sure what came over me, but she seemed more qualified.)

December 1, 2009

Dear Santa...

I once read this amazing story of a man in love who wooed his lady by giving her the 12 days of Christmas. Since I love you guys so much, here is the first day all for you! A partridge in a pear tree

Today is the first of December and my jump into the holiday's! I think it's fitting to begin the month of cheer with a Dear Santa letter from one of my students. I hope to supply you with the englishee wishes of my students over the coming weeks.

Dear Santa,

I want a DVD for Christmas, please.

(10 year old boy in my advanced English class)

He's not asking for too much! I showed him my Dear Santa list:

Dear Santa (aka Dad),

I want a new computer for Christmas, PLEASE!

Your ONLY daughter - Peaches!

In other news: I was elfed today by the lovely Brooks! Check the link below!

November 29, 2009

We are not Turkey's

As most of you know, my small group and I, plus two new friends from Onnuri Church, celebrated Thanksgiving at Yongsan Army Base. We enjoyed a feast of carved turkey, gourmet cranberry sauce, yeasty rolls without butter (YAY), heaping portions of pie, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy and steamed veggies. Not entirely sure what to call the "dressing/stuffing," but it was still good.

We started out by loading ourselves onto these hilarious buses fit for a disco ball. There were flashing lights down the aisle and microphones with a flat screen TV for karaokeing. Luckily for some and to my dismay, there was not any jubilant singing!

The really nice table setting and room where we had dinner.

Chris and Derek super excited about the turkey, not so excited about the ice breaker games.

Mira, an amazing new friend!

Mary and Amanda.

Self-explanatory, but the guys digging in!


So, Mary and I could not decide WHICH dessert to get, so we pretty much got ALL of them. Some were pretty disappointing, but the chocolate/brownie/cake/heaven was GREAT!

The ladies! And YES!!! I was flipping excited to see some Christmas Trees. The dinner was held at the hotel on the base, which was dressed in it's holiday best!

The most AHHHH-mazing group of people that I have been fortunate enough to meet here in Korea! These guys are not turkeys! They are much much more. So, here is your Christmas photo family and friends!

Glory Glory to ole' Georgia to Hell with all the REST! I said it's great to be a Georgia Bulldawg! And it is! I was able to watch the nail-biting game with my dad via skype early Sunday morning here in Korea. I'm sure my neighbors are thinking aliens landed in my apartment as Amanda might have been thinking I was temporarily possessed. I was shrouded in my finest Georgia gear and tears were springing to my eyes as I watched the silver britches boys bring home another win against the hated North Avenue Yellow Jackets. We should all learn to talk a little less trash and remember that it's the guys on the field playing for all they are worth and not us (note to self - take your own advice!) Great game teams! Goooooooooo Dawgs, sic em' woof woof woof woof!

November 27, 2009


Conversation via text message:
(Background: Amanda and I invite Derek and Cam over for dinner and a possible movie...)
Derek: Do you want us to bring anything?
Anlee: No, unless you have 4 decks of cards.
Derek: 4 decks of cards? Nertz?
Anlee: HECK YES!!!!

So, Korea just became 10x better! Nertz has landed. YEP! That's right all of my nertz partners world-wide, it's a global phenomenon! I'm sure from playing many rounds of the game with me, you know how excited I was to find a fellow nertz player! Even better, Cam and Amanda took to the game rather quickly. (For those of you that do not know what Nertz is, ask me when I get back. I am sorry to have kept you in the dark so long on this one, but it is an amazing card game.) I spent the evening reminiscing over times spent around the nertz table, or floor, as we always had so many people playing. I remember being punched in the face in an attempt to get my cards into the pot or tying my arms to Courtney as we morphed the game into not only partners nertz, but 3 handed nertz. Good times. Nat, before you leave Ecuador, you should start a game up! I promise not to make this post entirely about Nertz. For dinner I made salmon salad with sauteed carrots and garlic with Cheddar, broccoli, potato soup and crusty bread. Note to self: This mean takes forever so set aside at least an hour and a half. Dessert was complete with chocolate covered strawberries. I really enjoy cooking for other people, so it was nice to have been able to make something for friends and see them enjoy it.

As for the random moments here in Korea, I thought I would supply you with a few pictures to show you that it's not all crazy times here, but also just plain ridiculous.

Amanda being stalked by a man on stilts!!

Amanda and I making funny faces on the train!

Catching Derek and a guy who clearly does not want his picture to be taken on the train!

Pepero gifts from my students!

Derek playing at the Music Club

The most amazing food! Wanted to post pictures just to make you jealous!

Free hugs were needed after a not so satisfying haircut for me and a great new do for Amanda!

When you need to mop the floors and you are too lazy to buy a mop and carry it home, just mop with your feel and soapy water. This was a grand idea!

Amanda and I playing in Gideon's winter coat. Seriously, You could camp out for the rest of the winter in this thing!

My co-teacher, Nancy, and I with our 5 and 6 years classes on Market Day. Asking these kids to take a photo is like asking for World Peace! Not likely.

Dad on Thanksgiving morning laughing at my breakfast of instant mashed potatoes and peas! He's so handsome!

I want MAIL!!!
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