If you aren't laughing right now, I feel sorry for you!!
So, this past week has been that week when I seriously can not stop smiling. EVERYthing is funny! Even frustration has been turning to laughter. Here are some stories from this past week...they are random and some "too much information" but I wanted to share some of these memorable moments with you...
Friday: My Korean co-teacher was out due to her daughter sick with swine flu, so I took over both the 5 years and 6 years classes. After lunch, I sent the students to an empty classroom to play with blocks. I walked in to check on them when all of a sudden the worst smell I have smelt yet singed my nose. Of course in Anlee fashion I scream, "WHAT IS THAT SMELL??" I did not have to wait long for an answer. One of my students, who will remain nameless for pride's sake, walked up to me after pulling his hand out of his pants and showed my this smelly substance on his fingers. The sad part is at first I thought he had forgotten to wash his hands after lunch as it resembled the sweet and sour squid legs that I had served them earlier. Nope, it was what you are thinking. My 6 (7 in America) year old had... himself. I immediately took him upstairs where I found the evidence in the urinal. His English was good enough to communicate to me his discomfort...[for propriety's sake, I am omitting some rather funny parts of this story]...while this is going on, one of the 4 year olds that I was also responsible for had just peed in his pants and was screaming bloody murder. Wait, the story gets even better...after handing off my student to a Korean teacher, a few hours go by and the "smell" returned. YEP! He did it again. Wow, you have to love squid legs for lunch!
Saturday on the train I had my skirt fondled by an older woman. I'm not sure if she liked the color or the cotton fabric. Needless to say, this is becoming normal in my life.
Thursday: My friends Derek and Chris are pretty amazing musicians, so we -- as their groupies -- were invited back to this private music club to watch them play. I have a mental challenge in my head now that telling me that someday I will play like them.
Tuesday: I brought my guitar to school...the kids loved it! I loved it! At first they made me really nervous! I felt like they were expecting something great, but just tuning my guitar brought on squeals of giggles and glee. They were precious. My younger classes learned the chorus to "Beautiful One," while my older classes learned the entire song. Koreans love to sing, so hearing them enjoy it and sing a song that makes me smile for the Lord was really great!
Bible study on Tuesday's continues to be my favorite day of the week. It's just a time of super encouragement. The funny part about this week was: somehow we ventured to that conversation of men and women. How we are different and why we think the way we do...I'm sure most of you know how I feel about women in general and the equality that I fight for, but in this conversation I am in whole-hearted agreement -- women are complex and rather difficult at times and men are emotional. This is coming off a conversation with a friend earlier in the week of why men "provide" for women and how women reciprocate this provision. Oh and the talk about Jesus was great as well! MOM: I shared my oreo's...they were great!
Sunday: It's Christmas here in Korea...seriously, the sign at Starbucks declares that Christmas is here! I had my first Toffee Nut Latte of the season and plan to have many more! I have been brainstorming how to decorate the apartment for the festive season...will post pictures as soon as I figure out how to do this.
Monday: I went to the doctor about my wrist. Had an xray that only cost $10. Turns out, much to my disagreement, that I only have a stretched tendon. This means that my tendon is just hanging out in my wrist stretched out too far. (Then why is this limiting my ability to move it in either direction. In Korean fashion, I was prescribed 2 pills, twice a day, hot wax treatment, and lasering for my wrist. As of today, I am stopping this form of physical therapy to have some acupuncture done. Be praying over this one. I get queasy with needles around.
Today is Novemer 11 or 11/11 and that means Pepero Day. These are sticks of suger dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with more sugar. I went to the store last night and avoided the masses that were buying sweets for their sweethearts. This day resembes Valentines day...which by the way, Korea celebrates SINGLES Day!!! HECK YES! Here's a Pepero for you!
More fun times coming soon. On a positive, this place is slowly becoming home and I am really enjoying being a teacher. In all of those things that we said we wanted to be when we grew up, TEACHER was never on my list...the jokes on me!