November 22, 2009

New Kicks

For those of you who are use to seeing me in summer dresses and tea-length skirts, business suits and dress pants...those days are no more. (Sorry mom!) I'm not really sure if the change in my wardrobe is mimicking the change in my way of thinking and comfort here, but I am really enjoying and embracing it. I bought some converse low tops this past weekend (hey hey Brooks) - thanks to the fashion expertise of my roomie (Picture above). Jeans have become an almost everyday outfit - in my defense it is cold outside and skirts just are not cutting it. I even wore a sweatshirt to school last week?!? All in all I am liking that I am more comfortable in a new set of clothes. This isn't to say that I have let die the need to look nice and to "dress up." Quite the contrary. It's just to let you guys know that I am really becoming more and more comfortable and confident in who I am becoming. (Female insecurity, take that slap in the face!)

New shoes deserve new friends, so I bought some great music this weekend, too. Sorry that I am behind on this, but Jon Foreman's solo stuff is amazing! I spent quite a bit of my Saturday night just listening to his stuff over and over again. And then my Sunday and my Monday morning, too! In the past few weeks I've downloaded David Crowder Band's latest Church Music, Tim Hughes and (don't hate) the PS I love you soundtrack. Great music all around.

I made 2 new friends this weekend. Really cool how these things happen. Amanda and Brian were having coffee at this amazing coffee shop, L'pi France, Saturday when I walked in to see another American sitting with them. Meet Ted from Maryland. Really cool guy, new to the humble Gunpo, also teaching in a hagwon. After good conversation and free cups of coffee, we hope to see Ted again. I made the trek to church by myself this weekend, which I think I really enjoyed. I was fortunate enough to have a seat on the train the whole way there and the whole way back. Sitting by myself, a lady came and sat down next to me and we started talking. Meet Mira, a Korean-American who speaks little Korean, amazing woman of Christ and a fellow guitar student. We talked for a while after church, compared calluses on our hands and walked back to the train station together. We exchanged numbers and are hoping to see each other next weekend at the Thanksgiving celebration.

Rounding out the new list, I took a new approach to the way I study the Bible in my quiet time with the Big Guy. I had a really good time hanging out in prayer this weekend and felt super encouraged.

The weather is a bit warmer this week! Just in time for Thanksgiving, which I will be spending with friends on the American Military Base in Seoul. I'm excited! I finally figured out, however, that I have been forgetting to eat or just lazy about it here, so I think this weekend with all of my favorite foods in attendance I might gain back some of the weight that I have lost recently. Okay, Monday morning calls, which means the kids just arrived. Happy Turkey Day family and friends. I will be making the rounds on skype later this week to share in the love!

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