November 5, 2009

Fish bones...

Today one of my kids starting violently choking on a fish bone stuck in her throat. Her head was bent over and tears streaming down her face when I asked her what was wrong...she made the international "I'm choking" signal. I say, "Fish bone???" and she grabs her throat. I yell for Amanda to go get a Korean teacher and immediately begin the Heimlich maneuver. She is gasping for air. The Korean teacher flies into the room to take the child to the water fountain, giver her a drink then rushes back in searching for rice. The thought behind this was that feeding her a wad of rice would surely push the bone the rest of the way down her throat. NOPE!! Still choking. After some holding her and asking each other what to do...she was sent to the hospital. The good news is that she was at school today. She made it.

On another note: two of my kids returned back to school today after suffering from the flu (aka...h1n1). Several of my kids took most of the week off of school due to fear that they would catch swine flu and some are wearing masks in class each day. The masks are highly fashionable. These are as cute as my kids, but serves to give you an idea.

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