November 27, 2009

Thanks for giving

Thanksgiving in Korea...well, it was good. Just so you know mom, I wasn't down or too sad. I actually really enjoyed celebrating the holiday over 2 days, one for me, one for you. On my end of November 26th, I woke up and went to school. My kids were well behaved most of the day. I had rice and salsa for lunch - not exactly turkey and dressing, but it was better than whatever else was in the pot. After school I went to Ansan for my weekly guitar lesson. Derek made gourmet chicken sandwiches and Cam joined us for dinner. I would say that chicken is so close to turkey that I ended up having a Thanksgiving feast after all. As usual learning to play guitar leaves me in my happy place. So, it was good. Side note: Amanda sent me a text at one point during the night that said she had chicken feet in her Thanksgiving feast. It turned out, upon researching and calling Korean friends, that it wasn't chicken feet, but fish guts instead. I think it's safe to say I ended up with the better deal. Another side note: you can try flagging down a bus in South Korea like you would a New York Taxi, but that doesn't mean that they will stop! Be prepared to jump on while the bus is still moving or else they will leave you behind. I now know this to be true thanks to Derek.
I woke up this morning in the early AM to skype calls from mom. I went out into the hallway so that Amanda could continue sleeping. It was FLIPPING cold in the hall. I bundled up and started making calls. I spoke with my brother in Kentucky and my Dad via skype conference call. The conversation immediately turned to teaching my dad how to use his computer...great holiday cheer! Amanda came out a bit later and said that I could come in, she was up and hungry. I was hungry, too. So, we debated on what to have and decided the instant mashed potatoes and English peas that mom had sent via care package would be a great breakfast. We enjoyed the treat with leftover fritatta and soy milk. I was getting sleepy again after less than 5 hours of sleep and cut my talking time with mom short. She was a bit upset about her children being so far away from her on the holiday. My mom actually said "sucks!!!" My hagwon was nice enough to let Amanda and I come in a bit later than usual to talk with our families. All in all it was really a good morning. I am still waiting on my Thanksgiving feast this coming Sunday and promise to post some pictures in a timely fashion. I hope you guys are all hibernating from eating too much!

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