November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Friends and Family. I'm really thankful for you guys in my life. I will be downing caffeine tonight to stay awake, so let's skype. I plan on being on by 11 my time, so 9am for you guys in GA! That means, mom you can turn the computer towards the TV so I can watch the parade! ABHS: I miss you guys and hope you enjoy "Peaches". (Terry, you better be buying!)

I am thankful for so many things this year: awesome family, amazing friends, the cutest dog in the world, co-workers, traveling, my students, health, joy, a new home, the body and most importantly JESUS! I could go on for a while, but I will make this one short and sweet and tell you that I love you very much. God bless you all on this holiday and enjoy time spent with family and friends.

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