April 6, 2014

A little more patience...

A little more patience, a little more GRACE...a few breaths to restore calm...and a moment to remember that I am covered by GRACE and so is my growing young son.
 Being a parent is full of joy! but it also has it's moments of pure and utter uncertainty, sometimes frustration. We are at that "moment" when E is totally aware of who he is, where he is going, but not quite how he is going to get there. We have seen our fair share of "expressive frustration" coming out of our tiny human lately. But, what I can't seem to remember in the moment is that THIS moment is teaching us both to love more deeply, to show more patience, and to lean into the One whom we were made for. I'm challenging myself this week to pray through our moments of weakness (tantrums). To be  okay when Ezra doesn't want my comfort or on the other end of the spectrum wants NOTHING but my comfort. Pray for us as we walk through this next week together. I'm growing as a mom and this young man is growing up. He is so intentional about exploring the world around him and his heart is so BIG. He is loving the SPRING weather, the flowers, the walks outside, the fun weekends when Dad is home and the fun play dates with friends. He continues to bless us, challenge us and reveal to us our Father's love. AMEN!

Ezzie, mommy and baby-on-the-way-bump

My abundant blessing - family
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