May 30, 2013

Five Fabulous Flirty Fotos!

 We are on a battle right now to conquer ECZEMA! I'm excited to say, We are FINALLY WINNING!  Thanks to a very knowledgable friend, we are learning all about homeopathy. Ezra is currently undergoing an intestinal detox ( and it is repairing his guy and flushing out all the toxins that sadly have already found a home in our little guy. Eczema tends to flare the worst during the 6 to 9 month stretch and we are only days away from entering the race.
 In other news, E is such a happy baby. I don't think D and I have had that "look" of harassed parents, yet. Even though we aren't sleeping through the night consistently, we are still so overwhelmed by the unconditional love from the little guy that we have smiles on our faces. Even in the midst of complete uncertainty about Derek's job search, the churches replacement search and our eventual/have-no-clue-when move to Washington State, we are so aware of the blessing of Ezra, of a God that walks AHEAD of his children and prepares their way, of a strong marriage and of family and friends that have loved us through it all.
 VACATION is just around the corner! We are taking our little guy on a monumental road trip. We are also praying that the road trip does not end up being a monumental catastrophe! E continues his hate-hate relationship with his car seat. I'm anxious just thinking about the long drive! But, I can't WAIT to sit on my parents back porch and just BE.AT.HOME! I can't wait until the lake weekend with all my homies from college. I seriously am looking forward to being in Nashville with Derek's college dudes, wives and chillin'! To celebrating the Fourth of July, backyard BBQ's, ATHENS!!!, Ashley's wedding and the absolutely beauty and peace of sharing Ezra with family and friends!
I hope the video below works for you guys. Our cutie is a camera ham! 

May 13, 2013

Five months of CUTENESS!

December 14, 2012

January 11, 2013

February 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

April 11, 2013

May 11, 2013
The words do not really need detailed captions. They are priceless to E's daddy and I. This little guy is such a beautiful reminder of God's power, majesty and beauty. EVEN when your child goes through a growth spurt where they forget what it means to sleep! (RIGHT NOW!) Ezra has grown and changed so much over the past few months. But, looking back at those first few days, D and I can see the personality in his face. Our kid is one fun ball of laughs. He's also one sigh away from pulling their hair out of our heads! (YESTERDAY - when he refused to take a nap!) But, we've managed to form a routine around here to deal with the rough patches and savor the sweet ones. I have so many pictures I want to share, but our computer is on the outs and has a hard time uploading. More to come soonish.

May 8, 2013

Stank EYE - That picture that you wish your mother didn't have

YES, this is the best picture ever! All Ya'll homies beware! Ezra-of-the-stank-eye is coming for you! (Ezra, some day you will find this picture as humorous as we do, but until then, it's okay to have a sense of humor.)

Our little guy is hilarious, folks. He has discovered his "appendage" recently and cracks us up whenever he is on the changing table. He's laughing and loving it. This kid LOVES to laugh! However, don't laugh too hard back at him. He get's upset and scared when other's laugh back at him.

 Rolling over. Step 1: Pushing off

Step 2: Falling         

Step 3: Safe Landing

Step 4: Sigh of Relief

 Sometimes, this is what it takes to get to a smile! 

May 6, 2013

Putting the old away

I can't believe that Ezra is almost 5 months old! I can't believe that just yesterday I packed away ALL of his three month old clothes. Is this really happening? Why does he have to grow so fast?? I blink and there he goes, growing, growing. Slow down sweet boy. Mommy and Daddy aren't ready yet!

Yesterday at church Ezra was the BIG KID! Three babies were present in the congregation. One younger by 8 days, the other only 3 weeks old. EZRA was the BIG KID! And the loud one, apparently. While the others sweetly napped, Ezra could be heard throughout the church cooing, moaning and making other cute, but loud, noises. I LOVE THIS! There is nothing that warms my heart greater than hearing a baby in church, crying or not! As my husband prayerfully considers what planting a church will look like, I beg him to always allow WHOLE-HEARTEDLY babies in the service with their parents. Mark Driscoll loves to have children in the service as a sign of life and blessing! I couldn't agree more! What better statement to those mommies and daddies lovingly sheparding their children than a welcome - for all - into the church, where ALL can be fed! Now, if we can only free the mommies up to nurse while in their church. I'm blessed to have a church that provides a cry room with the service being mic'ed in. My wish for all mommies!!!

Life Update

Isaiah 55:8-9

English Standard Version (ESV)
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.
This verse is fitting for where we, as a family, are at right now. We are adjusting to a major shift in calling. I italicize this word because it is hard to define, hard to understand and hard to accept.  Being called -
There is a difference between a called individual and someone who fills a hole," says Pastor Chris.  (Click quote for more info)
Jesus called the 12 disciples. They were purposed for very finite reasons to come alongside Christ, be trained by him and then sent out.

Derek and I know without doubt that we were called to this church, this ministry, this city, to come alongside, be in community, be trained and now, we believe, to be sent out.

Over the past year, Derek has felt a change in his heart, brought about by God. This change has renovated his passions in ministry. Where he once felt on fire to serve in worship and youth, that fire has dimmed. We firmly believe that Derek's giftedness in music has been from God and meant to serve his church and his people. That type of gift should always be used to bring glory to God and will not end. God has over the past year built in Derek a desire to teach and preach. Part of his calling to ministry here at our church, I believe, was to train Derek up, expose him to the pulpit, and give him opportunity to learn about leadership in a church. After being giving many opportunities by our Pastor to teach Sunday school and preach Sunday mornings, Derek has felt this stirring in his heart became a thundering beat that can't be tuned out.

For months we have prayed about whether or not we should even entertain this change going on inside of Derek. We asked questions - is this something YOU want or GOD wants, has our calling changed, what does this M.E.A.N? The answers haven't always been very clear so we took time away completely from thinking about this. AND we had a baby - great distraction.

Derek returned to his hometown back in January for a week for a RE:train class. While there he was able to articulate better this calling in his heart.

Derek feels called to minister, teach and preach
to his hometown community of Stanwood, Washington
by way of planting a church.

Sounds crazy, right? That's what I thought, too. But after much prayer - and frankly - questioning both God and my husband, I'm on board. I believe this is what God is calling us to. Is it comfortable? N.O. Is it certain -  not nearly. So, what is it? It IS a huge step in faith to go, to leave our comfortable, loving, community-rich, God-loving church here in Texas, to become members of a church we hope to plant someday. Will God bring about his good and perfect will this way - unknown. Do we believe God wants us to be in Washington? Yes. Is this a hard decision for us? Yes. Why? The reasons are many and I'm sure will be a part of a blog post at some point. We know that for one side of our family, there will be joy and smiles and for another there will be sadness and tears at the growing distance. For some friends, we are moving closer, for some we are moving a country a part. For friends here that have become family, we are leaving unsure how often we will see each other again. The many faces that have been familiar to our son will no longer be seen. But as God promised Moses, He has already gone before us and made a way.

I'm sure a lot of this is confusing for those of you reading it. This is a blog for family and friends to stay connected to what's going on in our life. So, feel free to call us and ask questions.  Here is a final bit of information that might explain where we are a bit better. 

Derek has received the blessing by our Pastor and Elders to seek out opportunities to live out this calling in Standwood. That means they have given Derek permission to look for employment opportunities or ministry openings that would enable us to start the process of assessing whether or not we will plant a church. It also means that Derek is now the interim worship leader at our church and his job has been posted online. In less than a week, more than 10 applicants have applied and one is scheduled to come out and "audition" for Derek's job. This is moving WAY.TOO.FAST for my comfort, but it is moving. We have no idea about the timing of this transition. We ask that you guys pray for us, for discernment, wisdom, unity, peace, provision and thankful hearts!  Also, please pray for our church here, that the new worship leader will be the perfect fit for the congregation and God's desire for their worship. 

Bird Watching Fun with my Men

May 5, 2013' 
 My baby Pumpkin and handsome husband and I went bird watching at our local nature preserve this past Saturday. We spent a very VERY enjoyable time together spotting some new species that we had not seen before. I got a glimpse of an Oriole and a solitary sandpiper.

The handsome boy continues to grow so quickly. I had no idea how much he has grown until I saw a newborn this past weekend at church. Ezra was the BIG KID!

 Baby Binoculars are next on our list of must have baby toys!
Absolute favorite time of the day with these two guys are early morning snuggles. Ezra LOVES to snuggle in the morning. He is perfectly fine staying in bed, slowly waking up and smiling up at mommy and daddy!

May 3, 2013

Dear baby elf,

As cute as you are playing with your toes, sucking your thumb, spitting, wiggling and laughing All. At. The. Same. Time. It is time to go to sleep! Your dad has managed to snooze his way through your 3am monster time. Mommy, however, has not. The alarm is set for 6:40! Go to sleep!!

P. S. you are adorable at 3am!


May 2, 2013

Have you every had one of those days when you just have to cry out/scream/rejoice in the hope that someday all suffering will end, all injustice will be made glorious, all the baggage and burdens will fall off like leaves from a tree...

Okay, we are having one of those "days" that has become months! We long for our Savior who we KNOW longs for the day when every knee will bow before him! So, today while you are in prayer, pray for the Fekkes family! Pray that we can let go of our critical nature, that we can embrace and love the unlovely, that we can REJOICE in all things, that we can celebrate the Lord and HIS timing, that we will heave ears to hear his call and we will have hearts that overflow with desire to share his love with others!!!!
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